If you are building a product to be used by other people, then getting the word out about it is essential to its success. Your product might be the coolest thing since sliced bread, but if no one knows it exists then your business will fail. Launching your product to the world can be a daunting task, but if you follow these tips you will have a smoother ride. It is important to get your product in front of investors, journalists, and other influential people before you launch so they can have the chance to get excited about it.

Launching on Product Hunt is no longer an option but a necessity. If you hope to successfully validate your idea, introduce your product to people, get first traction, feedback, meet potential business partners and investors, there is no more beneficial platform on the internet today than Product Hunt - which has also become one of the most popular ways for early-stage and later stage brands to spread their message to new audiences.
If you decide to launch your product on Product Hunt, you'll be forced to compete with all types of products. Products of all shapes, sizes, and purposes are available there. With the large pool of competition, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to make your product go viral.
ProductHunt is a big search engine for products. It has a huge number of daily active users. If you launch your product on Product Hunt, you can instantly get thousands of potential customers.

In this article, we are going to be sharing tips, tricks, and tactics on how to get featured on Product Hunt, do well during launch day, and increase the chances of making it to the front page. The advice below will help you make the most of Product Hunt when launching your project to its widest audience!
So buckle yourself, sit back, relax and enjoy reading our ultimate Product Hunt launching guide! Let's get you ready and prepared to get #1 Product of The Day badge!

What are we going to cover in our Ultimate Product Hunt Launch Guide?
✅ Understanding Product Hunt Basics
✅ What's the best day of the week to launch on Product Hunt?
✅ Do you need a “hunter” to publish(hunt) your product on Product Hunt? Or you can do it yourself?
✅ Preparing Marketing Materials for Successful Product Hunt Launch
✅ How to get more Upvotes?
✅ How to be featured on Product Hunt launch day?
✅ Should you be buying Product Hunt Upvotes?
✅ How to avoid Product Hunt penalties?
✅ What could go wrong with the Product Hunt Launch?
✅ How can competitors decrease the value of your upvotes?
✅ How often can you launch on Product Hunt?
Understanding Product Hunt Basics
(How to launch on Product Hunt)
What is Product Hunt?
Product Hunt is a community which invites both founders and enthusiasts/fans to check out the best new products. And if it's technology related, you can bet there will be at least one person who will show an interest in it. This community was founded by Ryan Hoover and went on to be acquired by AngelList, a similar online platform for entrepreneurs interested in building apps or other programs related to technology. It might remind you of Hacker News, another large community that does almost the same, where product geeks, agency owners, other startups and tech enthusiasts are able to share their latest innovations with followers.
Why should you launch on Product Hunt?
Launching on Product Hunt can be a great idea for most products. As most of us know, Product Hunt is not just a place to "launch" your newest item, but to also grow your user base and get feedback. In fact, the number one reason for anyone to post anything on Product Hunt is to get feedback, so this is a great place to test out your product. If your product gets a lot of upvotes, you have a lot of people who are interested in what you have to offer. But, one thing that a lot of people don't know is that you can do a lot more than just launch a product. You can launch a blog post or a link to a new checklist you have put together. Product Hunt is a great place to get a lot of feedback and grow your user base for your product.
Many entrepreneurs, developers, and creative-types are looking for ways to improve their products. For some, Product Hunt is the tool for doing so. Similar to other review websites, Product Hunt helps people decide if their product is worth it or not. However, instead of an average rating, users are giving their votes, rating and comments.
What kind of traffic can you get from Product Hunt?
Product Hunt has become a great place to get real, targeted traffic for your product or startup. This is great for marketers who want to create a buzz for their product and don't want to spend a lot of money. Product Hunt has a community of people who like to try out new, innovative products and share what they like. Not only can you quickly get thousands of hits to your website, but it also builds brand awareness.
An average of 4 million people per month visit the Product Hunt platform. The number of monthly visitors to the website is growing. Based on SimilarWeb data, the website receives around 4.42 million visits per month.

It's no surprise that more than 199,693 people (unique followers) follow this website on Facebook.

And more than 462 000 people (unique followers) follow this website on Twitter. Plus the traffic from the users who prefer Product Hunt mobile app.

As you can see Product Hunt is a very large platform with a tremendous amount of followers. It's impossible to know the exact number, but it's safe to say that they have more readers by far than any mainstream publication. Product Hunt has an enormous influence in the world of entrepreneurial technology, and it's especially effective if your startup happens to be in one of these spaces - Product Hunt covers web design, development, design tools and mobile apps. There are other platforms like Hacker News or Reddit, for example which should not be overlooked, but we really do believe that Product Hunt is where you should spend the bulk of your time. One very important thing about Product Hunt is that they're always looking to create an inclusive and helpful community where everybody feels at home!
You can expect up to 10 000 unique visits to your app or website from Product Hunt if your product gets featured, advertised by Product Hunt on their twitter page and is among products who they include to the newsletter on the following day. One of the best things about Product Hunt is that it's free, easy to use and it's an excellent platform to build your community and early adopters.
Thank you for getting through the first part of the Ultimate Product Hunt Launch Guide (How to launch on Product Hunt). In the next blog post we will be covering some more information on how to successfully launch on Product Hunt. Stay tuned and follow us for the next part on this very important subject!